Serrano foodtech

Continuous pasteurization and cooling tunnels

Heat treatments, such as continuous pasteurization and cooling in tunnels, are essential processes in the food industry to ensure the safety and quality of packaged foods, whether in rigid or flexible packaging. Here we describe these processes and how they apply to different types of packaging:

Continuous Pasteurization Tunnels:

  1. Pasteurization: Pasteurization is a controlled heating process that is used to eliminate or inactivate pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms in foods, without greatly compromising their organoleptic qualities. In continuous pasteurization tunnels, packaged foods pass through a series of temperature-controlled sections. Time and temperature are adjusted according to the needs of the product. This process can be carried out in rigid or flexible containers.
  2. Packaging in rigid containers: Rigid containers, such as cans or glass jars, are suitable for pasteurization as they can withstand the heating process without deforming. Products packaged in these containers are pasteurized in hermetically sealed cans or jars.
  3. Packaging in flexible containers: Products packaged in flexible packaging, such as bags or vacuum containers, often require additional considerations. Pasteurization techniques can be used in flexible packaging, such as pouch pasteurization, which involves heating water surrounding sealed bags. This ensures that foods packaged in flexible pouches reach the temperatures necessary for pasteurization.

Continuous Cooling Tunnels:

  1. Cooling: After the pasteurization process, foods must be cooled quickly to prevent the growth of microorganisms and maintain product quality. Continuous cooling tunnels allow for uniform and controlled cooling when transporting products through zones with falling temperatures.
  2. Packaging in rigid containers: Rigid containers are ideal for the cooling stage, as they are resistant to temperature fluctuations and will not deform during the cooling process.
  3. Packaging in flexible containers: Foods packaged in flexible packaging can also be cooled in continuous cooling tunnels, but the conditions must be taken into account to avoid damage to the packaging or changes in the texture of the product.

Continuous pasteurization and cooling tunnels are vital in the food industry to ensure the safety and quality of packaged foods. Rigid and flexible packaging can be used in these processes, but it is essential to ensure that the process is adapted to the characteristics of the packaging and the product in question.

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